Friday, May 2, 2008

3 Months Old April 27

I was three months old last Sunday. For some reason my mom can't find time to blog now that she is back to work. Probably because when she walks in the door she picks me up and doesn't put me down till bedtime:) So, I will just tell you what's going on in my exciting life.
Right now mom is back at work for a little while. Only 19 days left! YEAH!!! I am staying with Gabby, Honey B, or Daddy during the days. I am actually having a pretty good time. I go to see mom at school everyday. She loves to show me off, and I love to give those ladies a smile:)
I have started eating every 4 hours now instead of 3 and mom is thrilled! Also, she tells me I am a great sleeper. I eat and then dad gives me a bath and we play as a family. It is so fun!!! Then they put me to bed by 10 every night. I usually sleep until 5:30 but the last few nights I have been sleeping until 8. WOW! They say I am doing great.
I love to laugh. This is a picture of me laughing during family play time.
I HATE being put on my stomach. They call it tummy time I call it torture. They say they are doing what's best for me, to make me stronger. They will probably be those kinds of parents that say they give me spankings because they love me. PLEASE!
Well, that's all for now. Headed to the bath.

1 comment:

Toni said...

Dryver is so cute! Congrats!!