Let me preface this by saying this is just "MY" 1st birthday checklist. This does not pertain to everyone. And I do not think any less of you or your parenting if this does not apply to you.
Also, if you have been around me as I parent Dryver you have come to realize I am a bit military style:) What I mean by that is that if I have it in my head that he will do a certain thing, then by golly if it is up to me HE WILL!
As is everything else in my life parenting does not come without its list. AMEN!!!
1. eat only table food. check
2. no more bottle or breast. check
3. no more formula. check
4. taking steps. check
5. eaten eggs. check
6. tried honey. check
7. on strictly whole milk. check
8. facing forward in the car. check
9. start limited paci use. check
10. loved by his momma. CHECK!!!!!